Bioshock Infinite ~ What’s Gonna Happen?

I’m writing this after seeing the newest trailer for the highly anticipated game Bioshock Infinite. This game was announced in 2010 for a release of early 2012.

Bioshock Trailer (original game)

Bioshock 2 Trailer

Bioshock Infinite Exclusive Trailer

I’m a  little concerned for the amount of internet hype that B:I has been getting. Don’t get me wrong, I adore the first two games, but what people seem to forget is that Bioshock one pretty much snuck up on everyone and caught us all by surprise. The idea of a full city under the ocean encased with glass was something straight out of 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea and quite frankly, it blew me away. Rapture was, still is, one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever seen in a game. The sounds of whales in the background and watching other fish just swim by all the action made me stop time and time again, just to look out a window. How many other games can say they had that effect on you?

Ok, Silent Hill 4 made me look out of windows too, but that was just because we were trapped in that bloody room. (Hate that game, it was the beginning of the end for me)

Columbia, like Rapture is breathtaking, the fact that its a city floating in the sky just makes everything seem so huge, and, if you’re like me, you’ll look over the edge of a wall and probably take a panic attack at the thought of the loooooong long drop down to normal civilisation (I expect I will die quite a lot in B:I for this reason alone). How will the enemies compare to the Splicers? Will Songbird be better or worse than the Big Daddies and Big Sister of Rapture? I still think that Cohen was the most devious of all enemies so far. Will there be a morality type thing like in the previous Bioshocks? Are there any little sister type characters?

Just how many questions do I have about this game?

I am looking forward to playing Bioshock Infinite, I’m just wary that there’s been far too much hype over the game and that it’s going to feel like an anticlimax. I really really hope not. Ken Levine, we’re counting on you! Don’t screw it up!

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