A Wake Up Call

So, as everyone already knows, I lost my job in March. I’ve been looking for a new one but since the market is so bloody empty just now, I’ve also been slowly dropping back into a depressive rut again. I haven’t wanted to do anything. Didn’t want to write, see my friends, hell, I was losing the will to even get up to take my dog for a walk.

But my father said something to me the other day and it has kinda stuck with me. He said:

“Fuck sake, you’ve lost your job, not your life, get out and do something!”

It made me stop and think about myself. It made me want to do something.

So I am, I’ve registered with some recruitment agencies and trying to push myself that little bit harder. I’ve been taking Casey out for longer walks, through the woodland on my own. Something that I would normally never do because I’m a total pansy. I’ve been planning more posts, trying to think where I want the future of the blog to go, if I want to continue with it (I do). I’ve also been contemplating podcasts and maybe even youtube videos (don’t think I’m quite ready for that step though).

I’ve also started planning for a sponsored walk for my mums Brownie Guide unit. Money will be going to Special Effect, because I do love what they do. I’m also still trying to figure out this flaming recipe book that I’ve been working on for almost a year now. To be honest, I’m still no further forward, but the the suggestions I get from friends an family for it are incredible.

There is also a slight buzz about a small business venture, involving soaps, candles, and chocolates….wedding favours, gift boxes, those kind of things.

Changes are happening, things can only get better.

One thought on “A Wake Up Call

  1. Depression sucks. 😦 I’m happy to hear that you’re pulling yourself out of it by trying new things. Your dad gives great advice!

    I have also been thinking about making youtube videos. It’s quite a transition from blogging to vlogging, but it looks like so much fun. 😀

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